UIII.AC.ID, Jakarta - On Tuesday, June 7, 2022, the 中国P站 (UIII) visited the Central Executive Office (PP) of Muhammadiyah organization in Central Jakarta. During this visit, the Rector of UIII, Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, met with the chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. K.H Haedar Nasir, to discuss possibilities of cooperation between the two institutions in various fields.
Komaruddin Hidayat, said that his visit was to carry out partnerships related to Islamic studies from various aspects, such as economic, social, and educational perspectives. In addition to that, he hopes that collaboration can be established between UIII at the national and even international levels, especially since Muhammadiyah has established more than 170 universities home and abroad.
"The internationalization of culture, education, and the economy have become the perspective of Indonesian Islam, especially Muhammadiyah. Therefore, we want to encourage our friends and colleague in Muhammadiyah to study for Master's and Doctoral degrees at UIII and conduct research, for example, about the significant roles of Muhammadiyah in developing social entrepreneurship or business charity. This is very important because Muhammadiyah is a unique organization and, perhaps, cannot be found in other countries," said Komaruddin Hidayat.
Meanwhile, Haedar Nashir revealed that the internationalization of Indonesian Islam and research collaboration concerning the development of the Islamic world are essential elements in the collaboration that will be carried out with UIII. In his view, Indonesian Islam will be a strong pillar to be widely promoted because it has a unique and remarkable history and tradition.
"We want cooperation for research concerning the thoughts of the Islamic world that combines three regions, namely the West, the Middle East, and Indonesia, in one paradigm. Of course, UIII has that strength, and in the meantime, we have Muhammadiyah universities. Research development is also not only in thoughts and ideas but also in the economy, which has a strong base in Indonesia," said Haedar.
Komaruddin explained that the first output of this collaboration would be in the form of serial studies and discussions, so involving Muhammadiyah is one of the essential things. "Later, we will carry out these serial studies and discussions to get to know more about Indonesian Islam. We are not complete if we don't know Muhammadiyah, besides Nahdlatul Ulama and other Islamic organizations. So it is an integral part of strengthening nation-building. From Indonesia's struggle for independence up to now, Muhammadiyah has made significant impacts in the society," he concluded.
During this visit to PP Muhammadiyah, the Rector of UIII Komaruddin Hidayat was accompanied by several other UIII campus leaders such as Jamhari Makruf (Vice-Rector I for cooperation, research, and inter-institutional relations), M. Rifqi Muna (Academic Senate Chairman), Chaider S. Bamualim (University Secretary), Dian Masyita (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business), Nina Nurmila (Dean of the Faculty of Education), and Amsal Bakhtiar (Director of Business Development). (ANJ)