
The Visit of the Inspector General enriches the Vision and Plan for Developing UIII

February 24, 2023

Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion, Dr. H. Faisal Ali Hasyim, visited the International Islamic University of Indonesia (UIII) on Wednesday, 22 February 2023. This visit was carried out to foster governance and review the UIII building. The Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion was welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Planning, Finance, and Business Development, Dadang Muljawan Ph.D., and UIII Secretary Dr. Chaider. S. Bamualim.

Inspector General Faisal revealed during his visit that State Religious Universities (PTKN) must have a landmark so that the direction can be drawn in realizing the vision of the Ministry of Religion.

"It is important for us to understand where our PTKN is so that in the future, it can be measured how to achieve its goals according to the vision of the Ministry of Religion," he said on Wednesday (22/2/2023).

According to him, UIII must have attractiveness in the future to become a priority for national and international students' study goals. "UIII must be different from PTKN in general so that it becomes an attraction for the community to study here," he ordered.

Faisal reminded the importance of one vision and communication in building institutions according to their goals. This can be achieved by establishing good communication between leaders and staff. "This communication must be in rhythm, don't have different goals," he said.

This working visit was welcomed and appreciated by UIII Secretary Chaider S. Bamualim. "Thank you for visiting the Inspector General at UIII. We really received a lot of suggestions and input for a better UIII," he said.

He also said that the visit of the Inspector General to UIII is not only essential for strengthening supervision, governance, and campus performance. Moreover, Inspector General's ideas also enrich the vision and plan for developing UIII into an International Islamic University.

On this occasion, Inspector General strolled around campus to visit the UIII library to see UIII book collections and have dhuhr prayer at the Rahmatan Lil Alamin mosque. (ANJ)