Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Ari Stoltze
DEPOK, UIII.AC.ID - The Faculty of Education (FoE) at ÖйúPÕ¾ (UIII) hosted its 20th LUNCHTALK. Prof. Barney Dalgarno, the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Canberra, shed light on the University of Canberra's Innovative Educational Partnership Model and its potential implications for Indonesia's education.
Prof. Dalgarno began by highlighting the distinctiveness of the Faculty of Education at the University of Canberra. He emphasized the faculty's commitment to "applied and experiential educational programs underpinned by deep partnerships and high-impact research." He proudly stated that their educational programs "contain more teaching practice and more diverse school experiences than any other provider in Australia."
Prof. Dalgarno pointed out that the success of their applied programs is largely due to their "long-standing and deep partnerships with schools, school systems, and early learning providers." These partnerships have not only facilitated effective teaching practices but have also paved the way for collaborative research initiatives. Such research partnerships with government bodies, school systems, and industry stakeholders have led to significant positive impacts on educational policy, teaching practices, and sustainable communities, both in Australia and the broader Asia Pacific region.
Reflecting on the core values that underpin the Faculty of Education, Prof. Dalgarno highlighted four fundamental pillars. He emphasized the importance of equity of opportunity, the commitment to evidence-based teaching, the dedication to environmental sustainability, and the deep respect for First Nations’ knowledge.
One of the standout initiatives Prof. Dalgarno discussed was the University of Canberra’s Affiliated Schools Program (ASP). Launched in 2019, this program represents a collaborative effort between the University of Canberra and the ACT Education Directorate, encompassing 26 schools. Receiving funding of $2 million per year from the ACT government, the program is rooted in a shared commitment to high-quality education, drawing from best practices and tailoring them to the ACT context.
Drawing parallels with Indonesia, Prof. Dalgarno observed several common trends, including diverse learning needs, evolving pedagogical approaches, a focus on practical and applicable learning, and a drive to improve educational outcomes against international benchmarks.
He argued that the UC Affiliated Schools Program could serve as a valuable source of inspiration for Indonesia. By fostering robust collaborations between universities and schools, emphasizing collaborative research, and promoting teacher professional development, the program bridges the gap between research-driven theory and evidence-based practice.
Prof. Dalgarno concluded by emphasizing the multifaceted benefits of adopting the Affiliated Schools Partnership model for Indonesia. He believes that such a model would align with Indonesia's efforts to provide relevant and effective education, keep educators updated with the latest pedagogical advancements, and nurture highly skilled educators capable of adapting to the evolving educational landscape.
The insights shared by Prof. Barney Dalgarno during the 20th LUNCHTALK at UIII’s FoE offer a promising blueprint for educational partnerships in Indonesia. By drawing from successful models like the University of Canberra's Affiliated Schools Program, Indonesia can further enhance its teaching landscape, fostering a brighter future for its educators and students alike.