Contributors: Achmad Jatnika & Sihabudin NF | Editor: Ari Stoltze
On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, a special event was held to launch a new book entitled 鈥淚majinasi Islam 鈥 Pikiran-Pikiran yang Membentuk Masa Depan鈥 in honor of the Rector of UIII, Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat, turning 70 years old. The book is a collaborative effort comprising the work of several academic writers from both domestic and foreign universities on the crucial topic of the future of Religion and human civilization.
It seems that this nearly 700-page book is not only a birthday gift for Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat but, simultaneously, to quote Prof. Dr. Amin Abdullah, "Marks the revival of Islamic thought after the renewal movement" of Islam in Indonesia. The list of academic contributors to the book is extensive. It includes leading academics and culturalists such as Prof. Abdullah Sahin (UK), Prof. Ahmad T. Kuru (USA), Dr. Farish Noor (Malaysia), Prof. Ann Kull (Sweden), Prof. Sumanto Al Qurtuby (KSA), Prof. Nadirsyah Hosen (Australia), Prof. Muhamad Ali (USA), Prof. Noorhaidi Hasan, Prof. Amelia Fauzia, Prof. Alimatul Qibtiyah, Prof. Mulyadhi Kartanegara, Yudi Latif, PhD, Denny JA, PhD (Indonesia) and others. Several young Indonesian figures and intellectuals also contributed their ideas and thoughts, such as Budhy Munawar-Rachman, Akhmad Sahal, Dr. Neng Dara Affiah, Dr. Gregorius Soetomo SJ, I Ketut Donder, Andar Nubowo, Casthelia Kartika, Irfan Abubakar, M. Alfan Alfian and others.
Secretary of UIII, Dr. Chaider S. Bamualim, explained that the diversity of collaborators to the book, including Ahmad Gaus AF as editor and Prof. Dr. Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin providing the foreword, is a testament to the far-reaching appreciation of the leadership of Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat who not only leads UIII as rector, but also as a leader, thinker, culturalist, and leading intellectual.
"His thought has gained wide recognition from Muslim and non-Muslim circles. We hope that UIII can realize the vision and ideas it carries for the progress of the Indonesian people and nation in the future," said Dr. Chaider.
Meanwhile, Prof. Amin Abdullah, an Indonesian Muslim scholar who is also a friend and close colleague of Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat, explained that from the launch of this book, Prof. Komaruddin wanted to reveal that there are still many problems that need to be addressed, especially from within the academic world. According to him, Indonesia's Islamic civilization must be widely known by world civilization.
"Indonesian Islamic civilization must be known by world civilization, not only Arab, Indian, or other civilizations, but also Indonesian Islamic civilization needs to be known by bringing in many students and scholarships from abroad, that is one of them so that the voice of Indonesia can be known," he explained.
In his speech, Prof. Komaruddin expressed his pleasure in collaborating with UIII and various institutions at home and abroad. He hopes this cooperation will continue to grow and advance so that UIII can optimize its potential as an international educational institution.
As a result of the launch and subsequent discussion surrounding the book 鈥淚majinasi Islam 鈥 Pikiran-Pikiran yang Membentuk Masa Depan鈥 published by Kompas Book Publisher, he emphasized that UIII will continue to be committed to promoting inclusive, advanced, and tolerant Islamic thought. "UIII has been mandated as an international university, and we are determined to continue to develop ourselves so that it can become the pride of Indonesia, make significant contributions in the scientific world, and encourage the progress of global civilization," he said.