Mutaqin is the Head of the Master's Study Program and lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic
Studies, Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII). He has been
teaching at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta since
2011 at the Faculty of Sharia and Law. Other than teaching and researching, He also
has extensive experience working with international organizations including the ICRC (International
Committee of the Red Cross), Geneva Call and UNICEF. He obtained his Legal
Master鈥檚 degree from the University of Melbourne, School of Law, and his
Science of Juridical Doctor (S.J.D) from UCLA School of Law. His academic
interests includes international law,
international human rights and humanitarian law, Islamic law as well as Islamic
studies in general. His popular publications has
have appeared in the national media
and his personal blog. He has also wrote published
journal articles in various international publications,
academic books as well as a novel.
Work Experience
Head of Master's Program and Lecturer
2022 - PRESENT
2021 - PRESENT
Geneva Call
Assistant to Regional Advisor
ICRC Djakarta
2013 - 2016
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
2010 - 2016
Doctoral Degree in Law
University of California
Master's Degree in Law
Melbourne University
Bachelor Degree in Islamic Law
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Gus Yahya and the NU's New Path: Note on the 34th Congress. Studia Islamika (2022)
Culture, Islamic feminism, and the quest for legal reform in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Women's Studies (2018)
Modern-day Slavery at Sea: Human Trafficking in the Thai Fishing Industry (2018)
Culture, Islamic Feminism, and the Quest for Legal Reform in Indonesia (2018)
The Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Human Rights; What Should ASEAN Do? (2018)
Negative Sovereignty and Positive Canterbury Amicus Curie Law Sovereignty (Why the Great Power Invades Outlaw States) (2017)
The Strong State and Pancasila: Reflecting Indonesian Journal of Human Rights in the Indonesian Democracy (2016)
Book: Islam dan Urusan Kemanusiaan: Konflik, Perdamaian dan Filantropi (Islam and Humanitarian Affairs: Conflict, Peace and Philanthropy) (2015)