Dr. Arif is the Head of the MA Program in Political
Science at the UIII. He has been associated with the SMERU Institute in
Jakarta, a well-known research institute that focuses on various development
policies. Dr. Arif holds two Master's degrees: MSc in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford and MA in Islamic Studies from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta. He got his Ph.D. in Political Science from Northern Illinois
University in the U.S. supported by a Fulbright scholarship. His research
interest focuses broadly on the politics of development, religion, and
politics. His works have appeared in IDS Bulletin and Journal of International
Development. He can be reached by email at sirojuddin.arif@uiii.ac.id.
Work Experience
Head of Political Science Study Program
2021 - PRESENT
Postgraduate Lecturer
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
2019 - 2020
Global Political Islam Seminar for Dissertation Proposal Seminar for Thesis Proposal
Graduate School Lecturer
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Comparative Politics Theory
Ph.D., Political Science
Northern Illinois University
Magister, Social Anthropology (M.Sc)
University of Oxford
Magister, Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (MA)
UIN Syarif hidayatullah
B.A., Anthropology
Universitas Gadjah mada
Cursed by Oil? Rural Threats, Agricultural Policy Changes and the Impact of Oil on Indonesia's and Nigeria's Rural Development. 2019.
Multidimentional Poverty of Farmers: Results of Participatory Poverty Assessment in Gampung Cahya, Kabupaten Aceh Timur. SMERU Research Report, September 2016. With Herry Widjanarko.
Gendered Risks, Poverty and Vulnerability: Case Study of the Raskin Food Subsidy Programme in Indonesia. Co-authored with M. Syukri, R. Holmes and V. Febriany. Research Report. ODI, UK and SMERU, Jakarta. 2012.
Survey Baseline Kehadiran Guru dan Bantuan Kesejahteraan untuk Guru di Daerah Terpencil (Baseline Survey of Teacher Absenteeism and Remote Area Allowance Programme). Research Report, SMERU. Co-authored with N. Toyamah, et al. 2011.
Are Conditions Pro-Women? A Case Study of Conditional Cash Transfer in Indonesia. Social Protection in Asia Research Report 03. Co-authored with M. Syukri, W. Isdijoso, M. Rosfadhila, and B. Soelaksono. 2011.
Gender and social protection in Indonesia: Raskin, the food subsidy program. A project brief, coauthored with M. Syukri, R. Holmes and V. Febriany. Project Briefing No. 49, October 2010. ODI, UK and SMERU. 2010.
Problems and Challenges for the Indonesian Conditional Cash Transfer Programme – Program Keluarga Harapan(PKH). Working Paper 04, Social Protection in Asia. With S.A. Hutagalung and W. Isdijoso. 2009.
Social Protection Programs for Poverty Reduction in Indonesia (1999-2005). Research Report. Jakarta: SMERU. Co-authored with W. I. Suharyo, S. K. Rahayu, and W. Widyanti. 2009.