Dr. Hanan is the Head of the Ph.D. in Political Science Program at UIII. Before joining UIII, he was a senior lecturer at Paramadina University, Jakarta. He also served as Director of the Paramadina Institute for Education Reform (PIER). He
holds Ph.D. in Political Science from the Ohio State University, USA, and MA degrees in Political Science from Ohio University, USA and Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. In 2012, he was a research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School
to conduct research on multiparty presidential democracy. His research interests include presidential democracy, democratic cultures, voting behavior, and student and religious movements. He is the author of Menakar Presidensialisme Multipartai
di Indonesia (Mizan 2014). His works also appeared in Asian Survey, Prisma, Journal Publicuho, and Jurnal Wacana Politik. He can be reached by email at djayadi.hanan@uiii.ac.id.