Contributor: Achmad Jatnika
UIII, DEPOK - On March 27, 2024, a well-known show in Indonesia, Kick Andy, hosted by Andy F. Noya, established a show on the UIII Campus. At this event, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and UIII Board of Trustees, Retno Marsudi, became the special guest.
On this occasion, Andy has questions about Retno Marsudi's career as a diplomat and a minister, especially because she鈥檚 a woman. The episode will be featured on Metro TV on Hari Kartini on April 21, 2024.
She told the audience about what she had gone through while being a minister and diplomat throughout her life. There are also some stories about her education when she was a student at the International Relations of Universitas Gadjah Mada and a little about her personal life.
Retno becomes one of the Indonesian ministers that has a good name in Indonesia. Her international movement can be felt when Indonesia's health diplomacy has succeeded in securing supplies of the COVID-19 vaccine for national needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recently, Retno became a spotlight when she emphasized the need for the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to declare that Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories as a whole was unlawful or illegal.